PU timing belt Type: 32AT10/580-W ed. Steel cord strand polyurethane Item-no.1409593Quantity1 STKShort-term Sourcing
PU timing belt with Kevlar tension cord 25 T10/2220 V PAZ T-PAR Version V, labelled on the back Item-no.1163689PU (Economic Quantity)2 STKQuantity2 STKShort-term Sourcing
PU timing belt with steel tension member 480 XL 100 "V" PAR labelled on the back Item-no.1071602Quantity1 STKShort-term Sourcing
PU-Zahnriemen, endlos geschweißt 25 T10/3590 V PAZ beschichtet Kevlarzugstrang, Supergrip-petrol blau Item-no.1142189PU (Economic Quantity)2 STKQuantity2 STKShort-term Sourcing
Timing belt with PU longitudinal groove Type: 25AT10/1.290-V-PAZ petrol ed. 60° Shore Polyurenthan Item-no.1409592Quantity1 STKShort-term Sourcing
Timing belt, PU, metric 25 T10 / 810 V PAZ Kevlar tension member Breco Item-no.1149859Quantity1 STKShort-term Sourcing
Zahnriemen PU Typ: 25AT10/ 850-V-PAZ mit PU-Längsrille petrol ca. 60° Shore Item-no.1412342Quantity1 STKShort-term Sourcing