Gehäuse: Messing vernickelt, Kugel: Messing hartverchromt, Hebel: Chromstahl, kunststoffumspritzt, rot Wasser: 0 °C bis 100 °C, Luft: -15 ºC bis +150 °C Dichtung: Kugel/ more
Acc. to DIN 3129, ISO 2725-2, Machine-operated, suitable for all standard electric and air tools, Square drive as per DIN 3121 - H 25, ISO 1174, GEDORE special steel, more
Acc. to DIN 3129, ISO 2725-2, Machine-operated, suitable for all standard electric and air tools, Square drive as per DIN 3121 - G 10, ISO 1174, Steel, burnished, * not...